Monday, July 27, 2009

All About the Movies this Year

It has never happened before. Never has there been a year in movie making that I've been so thrilled to go to the movie theaters. There are some that are new to me, and others I've been waiting on. Here is my list:

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Saw this with my Mom two days after the premiere date. The last movie I saw before this in the movie theater was Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. That tells you a lot about my opinion of movies over the last few years. Harry Potter flix are always worth the wait in my opinion. And I haven't read the books, so the movies are all I have until they're done making them.

Twilight & New Moon
Rarely do I jump on the bandwagon, but I did this time. I am a true "twi-hard" owning and having read all the books several times. It should be called "addiction." I didn't watch Twilight in the theaters because I read the book long after it was on the big screen. When I watched the movie, I was in love with the actors portraying the characters. Some I loved right away, others grew on me as time passed. Release date: November 20, 2009

My Sister's Keeper
I watched this trailer over and over. Every time I would get goose bumps. I planned to go watch it with my Mom, but we never got to it before it left our local theater. I suppose we could go to more metropolitan area and it would still be there, but I think I'll wait til it comes out on DVD.

I've been following this movie for a while and a trailer just recently appeared on It's a remake starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Natalie Portman and Tobey Maguire; three actors I love. It's about two brothers - one is serving his 4th tour in modern day military, while the other has just recently been released from prison. When the military brother, Maguire, is confirmed to be dead while at war, his brother, Gyllenhaal, decides to take care of his wife and family, played by Portman. But what Gyllenhall and Portman don't expect is to fall in love with eachother. It's sort of a Pearl Harbor theme where Maguire shows up half way through the movie, alive but not well after finding out about his wife and brother. The trailer is VERY TENSE, but very real. I believe it and find the situation unbelievalbly sad and heart wrenching. Release date: December 5, 2009

Alice in Wonderland
Two words: Tim Burton. Need I say more? The remake intales the familiar case of Johnney Depp & Burton's GF Helena Bonham Carter. Also casted is Alan Rickman, Anne Hathaway and newcomer Mia Wasikowska as Alice. Burton's mind is always worth the wait. Release date: March 5, 2010

My husband is a pilot, so anything pretaining to an airplane we get involved in. This doesn't exclude movies. This is going to be a GREAT movie. Not only does it have a great 2 time Academy Award winning female actress to play the part - Hilary Swank - but it's also a great story about a great American icon. This story needed to be told. I guarantee the next movie that comes out will be entitled "The Wright Brothers" Release date: October 23, 2009

The Reader
When a movie pulls you from the couch in through the TV, and you feel the emotion as if you were the actual character playing the part, you know it's a good movie. Compelling story about love and pride shortly after World War 2, Kate Winslet revealed no angst as she stepped into the role of Hanna Schmitz. Definitely a must see if you're looking to forget normalcy for a couple of hours. It's out on DVD.

Whip It
Almost anything Drew Barrymore is involved with I will watch because she creates roles for and about women. This movie is about women in Roller Derby starring Ellen Page, Drew Barrymore and Juliette Lewis. Release date: October 9, 2009

The Time Travelers Wife
30 years from now, I'll be sitting with a friend or family member watching this rambling on about how it's one of the best chick flix / romances of all time ranking with Steel Magnolias or Titanic. It's possible. I'm DYING to see it! The trailer does it's job and teases. Release date: August 14, 2009

Taking Woodstock
A movie about the greatest concert of all time. It needed to be made. Release date: August 28, 2009
This is it. If I see anymore coming out, I'll post!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I've been waiting for this trailer to come out!